
Everlasting Love #AtoZChallenge Day 5

She settled down in the plush white chair , at her pool side table and looked at the mosaic blue water feeling her nerves calm down a notch.


She would never label herself as beautiful without really knowing it . Those girls only exist in movies or books. A replica of her mother,  she had inherited her delicate french features and peachy cream skin and that was good enough to make her stand out. Though given a choice she’d hide herself behind her father’s dark rimmed glasses & a book and be left alone.

It was ten minutes past eleven as she looked at her watch for the tenth time in as many minutes. Reaching much before time was perhaps the only habit she wanted to change that she’d inherited from her father.

This is awkward . Being the lonely girl in a crowded public place felt far from the way movies romanticized the idea. She hardly felt like a picture of pure enchantment perhaps the way Meg Ryan did in ‘You’ve Got Mail’.

In another failed attempt to distract herself  as she waited for her companion to arrive she observed the patterned strawberries on the creamy white table cover with a nostalgia ridden smile . His last letter to her about Paris summers that came along with that inviting picture of the berries tart he made during his course – almost played like a movie in front of her eyes.

Polaroid pictures , hand written letters , love of food – his for cooking , hers as a critic & affinity to water – being of the same zodiac sign. They had so much in common . Definitely destiny more than design was at play here.

Just on cue she saw his eager face looking for hers near the entrance . Beaming at him she felt proud of her spy-work. Over a weekend visit around 3 months back , the trail began from the birth records. When relatives refused to give out details , technology came to her rescue. She painstakingly hunted cues from his father’s past , finally her first major breakthrough was discovering her mom’s small patisserie in Nice .

Amour , it was called . Ironically.

Her parents gave up on Love . They weren’t related to each other by blood , they didn’t know what the promises truly meant when they made them perhaps. She can’t , she valued the promises too much.

Within seconds the face that seemed so familiar was right in front of her. Without saying a word they hugged each other tight.

They stepped into this world together , even if their parents decided to part ways  , she wasn’t going to turn away from the bond she shared with her twin (younger by a minute)brother.

Unlike their parents , their bond was of Everlasting love. A term that didnt come with a shelf life.

Everyday Women

This 26 part fiction short story series is insprired by women who are like you and me . Not superheroes , but Everyday Women.  They have a voice , a dream , a vision , an intent or even a point of view. These slice of life tales are work in progress – if you can share a personal story in the comments it may help me conjure up a story . Much appreciate.!

You can read about #AtoZChallenge here & read my Theme Reveal Post here.

If you wish to read the #EveryDayWomen stories thus far , you can find them on AtoZChallenge Page .

Happy Reading !

Also linking it up with Weekly Prompt at BlogChatter – Relationships here.






30 thoughts on “Everlasting Love #AtoZChallenge Day 5

  1. I read and reread this post. The narration is so fresh and beautiful, and the flow of your words is superb!
    And the twist in the tale! I should have predicted when you said same zodiac sign (is it Aquarius or Pisces?). But then, I thought maybe the girl and her love could have been of the same zodiac 😉
    Good going, Chandni! Waiting for tomorrow 🙂

  2. Such an amazing story. I read the first few lines I was going for ‘romance’ but you turned it on its head. Takes a very good writer to write short stories that are crisp and yet pack a punch! 🙂

    Love, 2 AM Writer

  3. Chandni, this is getting better and better! A surprise I didn’t see coming, well played. The palate and tone of this one was international. Anybody can relate to the tale. Beautifully woven. Keep them coming 🙂

    1. Honestly .. the challenge is becoming exactly that .. a challenge .. with each passing day .
      But thanks for the vote of confidence..

  4. Do you like receiving complements Chandni?? I am giving you plenty. Your writing rocks. I should learn a lot from you.

    And yes! I DO NOT REGRET that I was digging up your old posts for Reading Challenge. Everything for good but these stories that you are weaving daily are are exceptional!!

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