
Day 15 On Track #100HappyDays #DailyChatter

Its been ONE week since this happened. Wow!


Time does fly super fast , even when you are Doing nothing 🙂 And here I was doing a whole lot of THAT so week 1 of Dailychatter did zip past in a wink .

Today I didn’t feel like writing about my daily trivialities . So I just picked up my good old Rangroute journal and started noting down everything wonderful that’s happened through the year so far.

In a year full of many many firsts , personal and professional milestones achieved ,  almost 80% of my list had something to do with blogging . Looks like the world’s shifting to align itself to the Third Dimension and here I am still living under the assumption that blogging is something I also do .

So all said and done I started working on my Year 2016 post which kind of has written itself out through the year and finally worked on a blog directory ( a repository of sorts) of all people I love to read .

I have always been an excel sheet person. It doesn’t get done if it’s not tracked being my philosophy . For Dailychatter though I tried a different approach because it doesn’t feel like work .  So 25 shares ( till the morning ) , daily reading and writing later , my global Alexa rank continued to show improvement . Currently sitting pretty at 4.43 L  421506 as I type.


Sometime during the last month , the whole campaign started to become a part of my routine . Reading , writing , tracking Alexa rank through tool bar of blogs I visit and my own is now a habit .

I guess that’s the trick no one teaches you at a school . When you figure something out and you get the drift of it , it stops appearing as work.There’s no better feeling in the world than knowing what you want to achieve and then realizing you are on the right track.

Are you on the right track with something important in your life ? Or are you trying to figure something out ? Let’s get talking , you never know what awaits you at the other side of a simple message 🙂

Linking my Day7 #DailyChatter post here as I take by blog to the next level with #BlogChatter and #UBC all through October.

Click here to join me on my #100HappyDays journey .


7 thoughts on “Day 15 On Track #100HappyDays #DailyChatter

  1. Yup. I agree that the excel sheets are boring. In fact, I took the rangroute journal with me as I came to Kerala. Keeping track of UBC through the journal is satisfying and also pleasing to the eye with all the little doodles I try 🙂

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