AtoZChallenge2016 · TheBloggerLife

The Week That Was #AtoZChallenge with #BlogChatter

When I started off with the AtoZ Journey , I knew it would be challenging but it would connect me with some amazing people apart from of course helping me build daily [ or at least more effortless and frequent] blogging as a habit.

One week into the Challenge , over my second cup of tea , around 3 AM yesterday night  the enormity of it all struck me.

Over the last one week ,

I have obsessed over writing quality content daily like a stock broker [ and I am using this analogy after a lot of thinking] .

I have discovered blogs and bloggers that are passionate , have a unique voice and style and if none of that , have an intent that’s so visible. There are so many that blend in but there are so many more that do stand out and stay with you. These bloggers are so much more than mere stats.

I have seen people writing comments by pouring their heart into it , people who infact had a goal of working on their comments during the challenge , that’s how much it matters to them. Just like it does to me!

While I would be putting together a post capturing my learning and experience of my very first #AtoZChallenge But my personal achievement  in week 1 has been attempting 500 word fiction centred around women and Dreams , Coffee Needs Company & Alternate Reality [ in exactly this order ] are the three posts that make me wonder if I should explore this genre a bit more .

That done , here are the three bloggers [ out of many] I have discovered who speak to me through their writing and I wait for their posts to land in my inbox.


Why they stand out amidst the very many other bloggers I enjoy reading ?

Because every time I read their post , I get to know them better and interestingly – none of these three appeared in my very first #FavThemes Post! Here are the three women whom I would love to grab a cup of coffee and talk endlessly with.

Samantha , who writes like a dream at The Whimsical Compass. Her writing is so mature , such an eclectic mix of wit & wisdom and she’s choosing a range of subjects [ from embarrassing massages to personal loss to her views on faith , WoW!]

Maggie , who writes at 2 AM Writer . Her writing magically transports me into her life like those narratives in movie adapts of memoirs do. I am sure she can publish her experiences into a book and that can be made into a fabulous movie someday soon and then this would make sense to you.

Parul , who blogs at Happiness & Food and has taken up such a strong women centric theme. With each post she has maintained a neutral stance and tremendous grace while talking about some of the most challenging & controversial topics.

Winding up this post in less than 500 words and super proud as I am ‘Finding next level blog love through #AtoZChallenge with #Blogchatter’

9 thoughts on “The Week That Was #AtoZChallenge with #BlogChatter

  1. Its good to see, your fav themes ☺
    And fav posts .

    You know what, I that I read the names of your fav stories and I recalled the stories along with the name, this is called a ‘good – storyteller’ quality that a reader never forgts your story :**

    Good luck for the rest journey 🙂

  2. Cheers and kudos for bringing that extra zing and excitement into the challenge through your lovely and motivating words. Your posts are absolutely brilliant and you would do well to think of taking them further! Love and hugs
    @KalaRavi16 from

  3. Wow! Thanks for the mention. You know what? Amidst the challenge and the stretch that it brings, it’s only you I have seen who can still do round ups and encourage others. Such a kind heart you have got Chandni. Way to go and I m so happy I got to know you!

  4. The less I speak when it comes to you the better. You have made this challenge a worthy campaign at Blogchatter. If we had to all cheer you on from the side the noise levels of a city might get doubled in due time.

    *hugs* for being you always!

  5. I follow Parul’s blog very very regularly. Samantha featured on my list too. And I really love Maggie’s way of writing. I must catch on a few posts which I missed!
    D for Dreams was really a touching post. Keep writing like that, and you’ll be a pro at it by the end of April! 🙂
    Hugs <3

  6. Chandni you must definitely write more fiction. As I have told in my post, I love your narration. And yes A to Z Challenge has indeed introduced us to a lot of wonderful people. Keep blogging. Looking forward to read amazing posts for the rest of the month and thereafter too.

  7. I loved all your fiction and would not come down to selecting any one . I started reading Samantha recently and yeah, she is brilliant. Your narration is fabulous and I love they way you spin it up. Looking forward for more and like I always say, I will keep coming back for more. 🙂

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